The Top 10 JKTC Blog Posts of All Time
For Just Keep The Change, 2012 has been a crazy year. Both readership and engagement have increased more than I could dream of and my passion for this project has never been greater.
As you may have noticed, the site has also been given a complete make-over. I have always wanted to make the reading experience of JKTC as pleasing as possible, and I feel like this iteration is a huge step closer to that goal.
But please do let me know what you think – we’re still tweaking some things to find the ideal balance.
To get back on track, here is my list of the top blog posts from JKTC of all time. The list is based on the popularity of the articles as well as the quality. Enjoy!
#10 Be a Great Kisser – How To REALLY Kiss a Girl
When you kiss, two souls connect on a very deep level. You’re extremely vulnerable when you kiss. And this is a guide on how to REALLY kiss a girl – including a bulletproof technique as well as 5 timeless tips. Also don’t miss 5 Tips on Kissing Passionately from 5 Women.
Read “Be a Great Kisser – How To REALLY Kiss a Girl”
#9 Why You Can’t Be Friends with Your Ex after the Break Up – And the No Contact Rule
“You could write a PhD dissertation about the no contact rule and getting over a girl. This, however, is designed to be a quick read that hopefully will give men (read: you!) a fast-acting shot of empathy and momentary strength from realizing that what they are experiencing is something experienced by mankind as a collective and therefore not insurmountable.”
Read “Why You Can’t Be Friends with Your Ex after the Break Up – And the No Contact Rule”
#8 Do You Make This Crucial Mistake When Calling a Girl for the First Time?
“Have you ever wondered at what point you should call a girl after getting her number? Call too soon and you will be seen as desperate and needy,
call too late and she will have lost interest, or forgot you.”
Read “Do You Make This Crucial Mistake When Calling a Girl for the First Time?”
#7 Dealing With Her Tests – How to Gain Instant Attraction
“A woman will always test you. She will test you for your masculinity, she will test for your strength; she will test to see if you’re (still) the man she’s seeks and craves.
Testing men is a woman’s secret tool. She wants you to pass the tests, but she will make it as difficult for you as she can.”
Read “Dealing With Her Tests – How to Gain Instant Attraction”
#6 12 Effective (and Slightly Badass) Ways to be the Sexiest Guy in the Room
“Who wouldn’t love to be the guy that every girl stares after? You don’t have to look like Brad Pitt or George Clooney to be attractive in women’s eyes, although it would help, it isn’t necessary. You just have to have a certain attitude to life; that’s all.
In this post I’m going to give you 12 Effective (and Slightly Badass) Ways to be the Sexiest Guy in the Room.”
Read “12 Effective (and Slightly Badass) Ways to be the Sexiest Guy in the Room”
#5 How to Make Your Future Girlfriend Like You for Who You Are (And Where to Meet Her!)
“This post answers the question “I don’t have a problem getting dates with girls, but I have a problem getting them to stick around and keeping them interested. How do I keep them intrigued, and how do I get it to go as far as to evolve into a relationship?””
Read “How to Make Your Future Girlfriend Like You for Who You Are (And Where to Meet Her!)”
#4 How to Get a Fantastic Girlfriend
“In my experience, what guys ultimately want when it comes to dating is a fantastic girlfriend. Sure, some guys enjoy dating a lot of different women, having several casual relationship etc., but what the majority wants is actually a girl who likes them for who they are, who they can hang out with and have fun indefinitely and who turns them on and makes them want to be better men.”
Read “How to Get a Fantastic Girlfriend”
#3 Why Bad Boys Get All the Hot Women, and Nice Guys Don’t Even Come Close
“A bad boy is sexy. There’s something about that sly smile; that look in his eyes. He just turns women on wherever he looks.
He moves like an alpha male in the animal kingdom: Relaxed and confident. Almost too relaxed. Almost too confident.”
This post is about striking the balance between the bad boy and the nice guy and become the perfect lover. And who wouldn’t want to be that?
Read “Why Bad Boys Get All the Hot Women, and Nice Guys Don’t Even Come Close”
#2 How to Get Over Your Ex Girlfriend
The post that started the avalanche. If you have a few days to spare, try to get through all the comments!
Kidding aside, there are some very valuable lessons in the discussion.
Read “How to Get Over Your Ex Girlfriend”
#1 The 12 Undeniable Rules of Successful Dating
#1 is also a list post. But a very good one. The 12 rules covers both internal things (like learning to accept and move on), external things (like knowing how to move and how to kiss) and the things that fall in between – honesty, for example.
This post is a very good place to start your journey around Just Keep The Change – or to be read as a refresher and a reminder from time to time. I myself read it every few months and check up on how I am doing. Very recommended!
Read “The 12 Undeniable Rules of Successful Dating”
That’s it everybody.
With 2012 in the rear-view, and 2013 upon us, I figured these posts would keep you entertained and informed for the new year. Hopefully, entertained enough to peel yourself away from for a little while anyways.
Have a great New Year’s eve (perhaps check out the post “How to Have Someone to Kiss on New Year’s Eve”!), take care of yourselves and have an AMAZING year 2013!

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