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Getting Creative with Post-it notes

The complete Post-It Portrait of Chris. It took 3 people about 4.5 hours and 1120 Post-It Notes to complete this. The complete Post-It Portrait of Chris. It took 3 people about 4.5 hours and 1120 Post-It Notes to complete this.

We all know them. The small yellow pieces of stationary, with the re-adherable strip of adhesive on the back. For some they’re called lifesavers, for others they are just Post-its. Oftenly used to attach notes on boring stuff like computer displays and documents, here’s 17 creative uses of everyone’s friend, the Post-it:

Post it car
What we did to Walt’s Jaguar on Friday.

post-it musicians
This design was made entirely out of post-its. To increase the resolution of the drawing, I ended up cutting the post-its in 16 pieces. Putting everything up on the wall took about 11 hours.

two of my co-workers designed and built this mosaic of the king out of post it notes over the memorial day weekend.

Stickers really help me with my medication list. I write the name of the medicine and the time when I need to take it, but I do not write such medicines as Cialis and Viagra on them.

cubicle post-it
It took 3 days, so we had to post this at night to keep the cleaning crew from undoing our work

A picture of Sonic I made out of Post-It notes on my window at work. This is six stories up and apparently quite visible from the outside.

Spaceinvaders post-its

Zelda post-it

post it room
Russel’s room. Amazing!

post it lamp
Post-it lamp

mario 3

mario 4

mario 1

mario 2

mario 5

Five Marios

car post-it
Over 1000 post it notes covering a 2002 blue saturn.


Take the post-it mosaic idea one step further. With a few sharpies.

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85 thoughts on “Getting Creative with Post-it notes

  1. Bull3t

    I love this. Not sure why, but I do. I am not so keen on the cars however, but the rest just looks fun! I would love to do it to my room and add to it when I am bored. Haha.

  2. Robert Lawless

    Wow – those are pretty amazing. I have never seen anything done like this with post-its.

    Makes me want to go out and buy some – oops – the wife just said “No.” …

    Oh well, guess I will have to come up with some other solution – lol…

    Great work though – very time consuming I see, but the rewards are great…

  3. Juan

    Hey, no body argued or mentioned GOD. (or I fortunately missed it)

    Wazza matter you folks, you ferget dis be der Internet?

    Good show . . . actually.

  4. ERDEM

    this not art…this is waste of paper and time…kids in many countries and also cotinenets willing for paper…dont waste all those papers make or find a way to send them to requested places even if it is sticky on one side like post-it…

  5. Kathleen Pennell

    I love your ideas.
    Postits saved my life! I was depressed over my husband running away with a woman he met in WOW. A friend who used the Postit cure from MySpace told me to make a doodle on a Postit everyday and hang it on a wall. Soon I had a full wall and realized I was going to make it thru the divorce. I did and now I have my X’s money and the homewrecker has him. Win – Win

  6. Pingback: Post it « Terceiro Dia

  7. Pingback: the empire of kittylaboom » Blog Archive » post.it.art.

  8. kms

    you achieved being creative; but artwise, it isn’t that all impressive. And why so much time to post stuff? There are better things to do.

  9. mel

    kms – “And why so much time to post stuff? There are better things to do”

    Im not so sure about that kms.. This is creative, its interesting, its quirky, it makes us smile. Arent those things what life is all about? Love to know what you get up to that is so mkuch more worthwhile

  10. Edgar F.

    hallo ich bin ein untalentierter deutscher gebrauchtmöbelhändler auf der suche nach echter freundschaft. falls Ihr intresse habt mit mir zu plaudern oder vielleicht sogar zu knutschen, dann strengt euch an und findet mich in ottbergen (höxter).
    yours Edgar

  11. Jobless Wayne

    “What a waste. All that time wasting paper could have been spent playing madden.”

    “this not art…this is waste of paper and time…kids in many countries and also cotinenets willing for paper…dont waste all those papers make or find a way to send them to requested places even if it is sticky on one side like post-it…”

    Seriously? Madden? That is better than having some of that RL fun? alright…

    I didn’t know there were that many starving artist that wanted paper over food…

    These are great post-it note murals by the way, the pixel art of the duck is great.

  12. Pingback: Fantastic Fridays « MassiveTruth

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  15. annie

    My boss always gets really uptight and anal about using/wasting post-its, often saving them if there’s any space left and re-using them.
    I should buy a bunch some day and cover the walls of glass doors at work and freak him out!

  16. Pingback: Lazy Couch » Getting Creative with Post-it Notes

  17. nicesocks

    i like the creative impulse. i know what it’s like to work a shitty office job. sometimes your coworkers need what’s coming to them (a cubical or car covered in post-its) or something amusing to look at on their lunch break (a video game sprite on the window).

    that being said, this a horrid waste of paper. the world’s resources are being gobbled up at an alarming rate, and i highly doubt any of these post-it notes were reused upon removal. thank you for throwing away paper pulp, paint chemicals, and glue chemicals into the environment (’cause really, where does your trash go?) all for the sake of art.

    go find something more worthwhile to do. when your making pixel art in rice fields, or growing massive gardens on your office roof, you can color me impressed.

    and yes, feel free to paint me off as some raving eco-lunatic. it’s my earth too though.

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