How do you keep your girlfriend when all she wants is freedom?
Two days ago, I received a devastating email from a guy named Lamar outlining his relationship’s current situation. He had been with his girlfriend since they were 16, but now that they are into their young twenties, she has expressed a want for being single again.
Sad thing is that Lamar doesn’t feel the same way – he thinks that she’s the one, and that he isn’t missing anything by being with her. Quite the opposite, actually. He thinks that if he were to be single, he would immediately search for a relationship such as the one he already has. Continue reading →
While browsing TED I found a really interesting video called “The game that can give you 10 extra years of life”. I decided to watch it, and after doing so, I knew that I just HAD to share it with you guys.
In short, it’s about how the author (Jane McGonigal) got through a very tough and dark period in her life by …playing a game.
If you feel depressed, sad or like your life is not moving forward the way it should be, I think that you will like this video. And if you don’t – it’s still darn interesting.
As a bonus, just for watching it, you will earn 7.5 minutes of life. Yep, 7.5 minutes.
If you’re thinking about seducing your ex girlfriend (because you’re going through a dry-period, perhaps?) think about these 7 reasons why you shouldn’t, first.
It will bring back old memories
Sleeping with your ex girlfriend is bound to make you once again think of all your old memories of you and her. That time at the beach, your first kiss, you know what I mean. Even if you just try to do one last “hit ‘n’ run”, the memories will come flashing back some day.
It’s not going to feel the same
Spending a night in her bed will never feel the same as it once did. What made the sex special is most unlikely gone, and sleeping with her will most likely not be much different than sleeping with any other girl.
My approach to helping you with your ex girlfriend
I don’t like bullshit. I don’t like telling you what makes you feel good but doesn’t help you. I go for the results, and let the results speak for themselves.
Through the years I have been in contact with hundreds of guys who have had a hard time after a break-up. My approach to helping them has changed over the years with experience, but this is my philosophy right now on the matter (and the one that works every single time if done right!) Continue reading →
It’s inevitable that it will raise some questions inside your mind whenever an ex contacts you. And by far the most common one, and most trouble-some-one, is “Why?”
“Why now? What did she want?”
And that leads to you thinking about all sorts of possibilities, like if she wants to get back together with you.
Before you continue thinking these thoughts, I urge you to take a step back and assess the situation. I’ll hold your hand the whole way, so don’t worry ;) Continue reading →
We’ve all been there: standing in line at a supermarket or just about to return a ball in a tennis match …when suddenly she pops up out of no where.
You have no idea where she came from, but she won’t leave.
Thoughts about your ex girl can find their way to your brain at the most unwanted of moments, and this post is dedicated to giving you a few tips on overcoming those nasty thoughts (all while getting over her at the same time…) Continue reading →